Upcoming events!
Hi my name is Louise. I am a midwife offering bespoke antenatal classes and postnatal support. I enjoy working with couples to ensure that they are as best prepared as they can be for the arrival of their new baby.
I also offer birth reflections sessions for women or couples who want to discuss the events surrounding their labour and delivery. It might be that that are unhappy about the care they have received or have questions about why certain things happened during their labour and/or delivery.
I have been recently asked to attend some upcoming events. This is really exciting as I love what I do; I want to help people and give good quality advice.
Coffee morning at Gymboree St Albans on Wednesday 22nd March between 1-2pm
Gymboree Play & Music classes utilise a unique and impressive combination of music, movement, props, imaginary play and custom-designed and patented apparatus, all to create a fun and magical world where children learn, thrive and most importantly have fun.
The coffee morning invitation extends to pregnant women as well as those who have new babies. This will be a good opportunity for you to meet other mums or to ask advice from women who have gone through what you are about too! Stephanie and I will be there to get you all talking to each other and to I will answer any direct questions you may have about pregnancy, labour or the postnatal period.
Stephanie will introduce your baby to sensory play.
This event will be held at St Albans Gymboree hall which is on Hatfield Road. There will a nominal fee of £1.50 for non-gymboree members. Tea, coffee and biscuits will be available!
To book your place go to stalbans@gymboree-uk.com
01727 831 551
Open evening at Womb with a View Monday 11th April 7-8pm
Womb with a View are a private pregnancy ultrasound scanning clinic, specialising in non-diagnostic, 2d, 3d and 4d scans, using top of the range technology. They provide various scan options to suit your needs depending on the gestation of your pregnancy; from early pregnancy scanning, gender determination to exciting, memorable 3D/4D experience packages. They also offer last minute scanning for those worried parents to be, seeking reassurance.
This open evening is for pregnant women. It will be a great opportunity to meet other expectant mums and share your pregnancy stories! Clare and I will be there on the evening. Clare will answer any questions you may have about the scans she offers and I will answer any questions about pregnancy, labour, the postnatal period, or anything else you wish to talk about!
There will be tea, coffee and biscuits available.
The open evening is FREE but we need you to register as numbers are limited.
To book, please email either –
Womb with a view – info@wombwithaviewltd.co.uk
Or me – louise@louantenatal.com
We are really looking forward to meeting you then!
My website is www.louantenatal.com if you want more information on the antenatal classes I offer.