This list is an example of things to pack in your hospital bag; you can of course bring whatever you like! Be careful not to pack too much as you will hopefully have a short hospital stay and there isn’t much storage space on the wards. If your stay is prolonged, Dad can bring items to and from the hospital for Mum and baby. If you are planning on a homebirth, these are useful things to have ready for you and your baby. It might be appropriate to have a small bag packed just incase you need to be transferred to hospital but this is up to you.
For Mum
- Something comfortable to wear in labour
- Nightdress/pyjamas/Night gown for after delivery
- Maternity Sanitary Pads
- Disposable pants or big old pants that you would be happy to throw away afterwards!
- Toothpaste and toothbrush
- Toiletries – whatever you would normally pack for an overnight stay; shampoo/shower gel etc
- Lip balm
- Slippers and/or flip flops – these can be handy for going to the shower after giving birth
- Make up, deodorant, brush or comb
- Maternity bra
- Towel
- Straws – makes drinking much easier in labour!
- Pillow if you wish to bring one
For Baby
- Nappies
- Cotton wool
- 3 vests
- 3 baby grows
- Shawl or blanket
- Hat or bonnet
General items
- Drinks and snacks
- Camera
- Birthing ball if you wish
- TENS machine
- Music
- Pictures – something nice for you to focus on during contractions
For going home
- Outdoor clothes for Mum
- Outdoor clothes for baby
- Car seat for baby
For more information about what to pack in your hospital bag or for information on my antenatal classes, please click here